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    We here at The Rose Quartz Cottage find that laughter is not just the best medicine but it is also the best way to do life. We fly by the seat of our pants and it works for us. Nine years ago, pretty much on a whim, we decided to open a boutique. The experts would say to do market research, draw up a business plan and write a mission statement. Rather, we painted colors we loved, laughed our way through endless product catalogs and an epic buying trip. We filled the store with things that made us happy, brewed a giant pot of complementary coffee and opened our doors. Nine years later, we still have no mission statement or business plan and research gives us hives but we’re still going strong and laughing through each day! As you can see from our choice of picture we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Is it professional and dignified, flattering and filtered? That’s a hard no on all counts. However, after what felt like a million shots, trying to capture just the right essence we snapped this gem and laughed until our sides hurt. So that is the picture that made the cut. And that my friends, is real and genuine. That is The Rose Quartz Cottage, not just a place but a real, genuine experience.
















                                                                   Quitting Time at the Rose Quartz Cottage


   Founded in 2016 by mother/daughter duo Trisha Buck and Liana Handley, The Rose Quartz Cottage strives to bring the unique and fabulous to Iron River, MI. A small but mighty boutique, we have something for everyone. From our Duke Cannon line for men and Warmies for the littles to bath and body for relaxing at the end of a long day. We carry gourmet treats and delicious coffees, clothing and handbags in every price range from designer names to everyday affordable. Jewelry and giftware for every occasion and a large selection of U.P. items cover each square inch. We invite you to stop in, grab a cup of complimentary coffee and browse. Or if you’re not in the area, grab your coffee and catch our morning Facebook live. Give us a call if you see something you like and we’ll be happy to ship it to you. You will not be disappointed! Don’t forget we have a lay-a-way option too.

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